Friday, September 30, 2011

The Box

How did I get in here?
Why can't I get out?
I don't know how I got here.
That I know without a doubt.

I've found myself in this box
All sealed up with extra strength tape
I can't see anything
There is no way to escape

What you have just witnessed are the thoughts that run through my mind. I must admit that I was in denial before, but now I know that I am battling with postpartum depression. I am the mother of 3 beautiful children. I like to call them my mini-motivators. Lately they have been all that I have to keep me going. They give me a reason to get up and do more than I feel like doing.

After talking to several different people about the best solution for fighting this beast, I realize that one thing that works for me is talking about the things that I am feeling. It also helps when I take a moment to write about all of the things I am grateful for.Another thing that helps is to go to the gym and work up a sweat.

What are some of the techniques that you use to get out of your dark places?

Monday, September 26, 2011

I have visions of myself driving off to a place where I can just be
But it’s impossible to escape the person I am running from….Me
It is me telling me that this is too much to bear
It is me telling me that no one understands or cares
It is me telling me that I am not doing enough
It is me telling me that I have to stay tough
It is me …It is me…it has always been me
So what do I tell me to get through this dark place?
So what do I tell me to bring a smile back to my face?
Whatever I am telling myself now is only making things worse
So it’s time to make moves…time to change my course
Let the battle Begin…