Monday, January 20, 2014

The First Week

The First Week

No one talks about all of the many things that happen after birth
Everyone gets so caught up in the oooh's and aah's that new babies bring

No one talks about the swollen breast that hurt to the touch
or the newborn baby whose first desire is to suck
brings on feelings of insecurity when it seems as if your God given supply is not enough...
They say that babies are a blessing...

No one talks about all of the blood that seems to flow without cease
or how you lay in your bed wide awake at night in pain or too sore to get good sleep

But yet they say ...babies are a blessing

No one tells you that you can go from happy to crying in less than 3 seconds
or how those same breathing techniques that you learned for labor
come in handy for those after birth pains and contractions.

I keep telling myself that babies are a blessing

No one tells you that your 2 year old son won't come near you because he feels as if
new baby has taken his place
and all that you can do is find new ways to bring a smile to his face

But despite all of these unknowns that have entered into my life....
it's still all worth it

I will embrace every single moment

because motherhood is truly a blessing....

Friday, January 17, 2014


We spend a lot of time planting seeds and hoping to have gardens full of roses...when our seeds start to blossom, we realize that even though roses are beautiful, each rose has its thorn. Sometimes we get so caught up or overtaken by the thorns, that we forget to take the time to enjoy and bask in the beauty of the rose....

What thorns have you been stuck by in your life? Maybe its your finances, relationship issues, or those negative conversations that we like to have with ourselves. Whatever the issue(s) may be, don't get so caught up in your circumstances (thorns) that you forget to take the time to enjoy your roses( blessings). Take the time to thank God for your roses...(gratitude)...